![Queer Kids for Full Communism: Living the Dream with the Queer Liberation Front](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog678579/14375370_10208731933554219_631909041_o.jpg)
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Queer Kids for Full Communism: Living the Dream with the Queer Liberation Front
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
In this episode of Living the Dream Dave (@withsobersenses) chats with Angus from the Queer Liberation Front. Angus lets us know what the QLF are all about, what they have been doing and what they are up to. Angus talks about the QLF's praxis and how this collective of young queer people are attempting to generate a radical anticapitalist politics, how hegemony and aesthetics fit together and how this all relates to the current "Brisbane Moment' that is going on. And then we finish it all off with a track from Los Crudos
![On dissolving the people: Living the Dream on #ausvotes2016](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/678579/mon1_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
On dissolving the people: Living the Dream on #ausvotes2016
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
In this episode of LivingThe Dream Jon (@jonpiccini) and Dave (@withsobersenses) have a chat aboutthe recent election. It isn’t a chat about if the result is ‘good’ or ‘bad’but rather how does it fit into, and what does it tell us, about the current momentin capitalism in Australia and class struggle?We also try to work out therelationship between the electoral return of Pauline Hanson and the deepcurrent of racism in Australia.
These articles are some we either mention or are on topic
TheElection That Solved Nothing – Tad Tietze
TheAnti–Industrial Relations Club – Frank Bongiorno
The Greens are aparty of the affluent middle classes – Ben Hillier
Howwe stopped Pauline Hanson last time – Tess Lee Ack
TheyDon’t Represent Us: The Populist Moment – Richard Seymour
Crisisand the Return to the Nation: Dismantling the Right Ecology in Germany –Ben L
Fourwomen arrested in WestConnex protest – Wendy Bacon
Watch Ask Sarkar's
The Unbearable Whiteness of Brexit - Race, class & the EU Referendum on the streets of Barking.
Colgan, Paul. 2016. Australian Voters Just Put The EntirePolitical Establishment On Notice. Business Insider [cited 14th July 2016].Available from http://www.businessinsider.com.au/australian-election-result-voters-put-political-establishment-on-notice-2016-7.
Phillips, Ben. 2016. Trends in Household Living Standards in Australia: 1990 to 2016.ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods [cited 14th July 2016]. Availablefrom http://rsss.anu.edu.au/sites/default/files/Living_Standards_Mar_2016.pdf.
![#SandersofSthBrisbane ? Council elections, social movements & the #RighttotheCity](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/678579/mon1_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
In this episode of Living the Dream Jon (@JonPiccini ) andDave (@withsobersenses) chat with Anna – all-round good egg and comrade pivotalto Radio Reversal and Brisbane Free University –about the successful Brisbane City Council election campaign of Jonathan Sri , the opposition to the WestVillage development and the emergence of struggles around the Right to theCity. What’s going on, how do all these pieces fit together and what do theytell us about struggles within-against-and-beyond capitalism for lives ofdignity?
Related Reading
David Harvey – The Rightto The City
![Living the Dream - Last Drinks in (the workers) Paradise?](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/678579/mon1_300x300.jpg)
Monday Mar 14, 2016
Living the Dream - Last Drinks in (the workers) Paradise?
Monday Mar 14, 2016
Monday Mar 14, 2016
In this episode of Living the Dream Jon (@JonPiccini) and Dave( @withsobersenses) talk about the meltdown of politics in Queensland and the failure of the ALP government to carry out a coherent plan to address the decline in capital accumulation and facilitate social reproduction. Rob Pyne resigning from Labor(#corbynofcairns ?), candidates sending dicks pics and the shared anti-political language of both sides of the referendum campaign show a political class in freefall and deeply out of touch with the concerns of everyday people.
Should we care? Or just point and laugh? What is the relationship of the political to capitalism on a whole and to our struggle against it? How much of this is this a broader and global phenomenon and what can it tell us about life in Queensland?
Articles we refer to include:
Humphrey McQueen - Queensland: a state of mind
Kathleen McLeod - “I Will Protect You With My Body” The Case For A Radical Sanctuary Movement To Protect Asylum Seekers In Australia
Andy Paine - Rewriting the political script
Chris O’Kane - State Violence, State Control: Marxist State Theory and the Critique of Political Economy
Mario Tronti – The Political (1979)
![Living The Dream 'Dominant Society Needs A Slap in the Face': Sovereignty Solidarity & Decolonisation](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/678579/mon1_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
In this episode of Living the Dream Dave (@withsobersenses) chats with Camilla and Eliza from Sovereignty Solidarity.
Sovereignty Solidarity describes their Facebook page as follows:
‘We aim to support First Nations(FN) initiatives for self determination, sovereignty, treaties, and moving forward. We take action based on our understanding of these perspectives and aim to concretely support FN initiatives. We are a non-FN specific page because we believe non-FN peoples have specific de-colonisation work that we need to do, and that the burden for this should be placed on FN peoples. We welcome input, criticism and support from FN people’
Camilla and Eliza have provided the following relevant links:
First Nations
brisbane aboriginal-sovereign embassy
Non-First Nations
Eliza would like the following qualification added to the title and the podcast: ‘sometimes dominant society needs a slap in the face, like on the 26th January, but sometimes dominant society needs a more gentle-gentle approach. Learning about the history of this country, the legacy of colonialism and our transplanted
place on this land can be a hard journey and if people need empathy through this process it is other non FN people who should do this work.’
![Living the Dream: Welfare, Social Reproduction and Social Impact Bonds](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/678579/mon1_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Jan 24, 2016
Living the Dream: Welfare, Social Reproduction and Social Impact Bonds
Sunday Jan 24, 2016
Sunday Jan 24, 2016
Living the Dream: Welfare, Social Reproduction and Social Impact Bonds
In this episode Dave (@withsobersenses) and Rob talk about how the provision of welfare and social services are changing. We chat about the concept of social reproduction, the welfare state and its evolution and critically investigate new developments. As the mining boom ends, the world teeters on a the edge of another economic meltdown and states struggle with increasing amounts of debt we ask what’s going on with welfare and how can we struggle on this terrain in ways that point to a better life and a better society.
Material referred to includes:
Multi-million dollar 'green bonds' could fund Qld's climate change strategy
Global Social Impact Investment Steering Group
Back ground on Debt and Social Reproduction can be found at Australia you’re standing in it part 2: Debt & Social Reproduction
Everyone should read this issue of Viewpoint on Social Reproduction.
For an inspiring historical of the unemployed struggling over the conditions of welfare see The WOW factor: Wollongong’s unemployed and the dispossession of class and history
And listen to this killer track by Mutant Death (which features an on air argument between the scumbag Bob Hawke and dear comrade and friend Nick)
![Living the Dream: Climate, Capitalism & Crisis](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/678579/mon1_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Living the Dream: Climate, Capitalism & Crisis
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
In this episode Jon (@jonpiccini) and Dave (@withsobersenses) chat with Jackson who has been an organiser with AYCC and for the Peoples Climate March in Brisbane . We talk about the opposition to the Adani mine project, the PCM, some of the experiences and developments within the climate justice movement, the role NGOs play and how this fits together with a broader understanding of capitalism and our struggles for lives of dignity and justice
Some of the material referred directly, indirectly, in a sly implied way or are kind of relevant are:
George Caffentzis The work/energy crisis and the apocalypse
Nicholas Beuret & Gareth Brown Dancing on the Grave: Salvage, The Walking Dead, and the End of Days
Andrew X Give up activism
Naomi Klein Canada's New Climate Movement
Naomi Klein: Capitalism and the Climate, Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2015
Jacobin on Naomi Klein and the Left
Ellen Evans & Jon Moses Interview With David Graeber
The work of Hayek & Keynes can be found in libraries everywhere.
![New Year's Thoughts - Prospects, Predictions, Postulations](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/678579/mon1_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
New Year's Thoughts - Prospects, Predictions, Postulations
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
In this episode Dave (@withsobersenses) and Jon (@jonpiccini) take some time to reflect on 2015 and go through the entrails to make some predictions about 2016. What happened in 2015 and what does it tell us about capitalism and the struggle against it? And how do we even try to make sense of it all?
Articles and writers mentioned are:
A panel on the work of Lisa Vogel’s Marxism and The Oppression of Women
Prabhat Patnaik on Capitalism and Its Current Crisis
Dave’s previous writing on #TURC can be found here and here
Lara Tingle on POLITICAL AMNESIA How We Forgot How To Govern
Doug Henwood on Age of the Unicorn: How the Fed Tried to Fix the Recession, and Created the Tech Bubble
Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron on the Californian Ideology
Nick Southall on Getting the Gong – A Tale of Two Cities
Angela Mitropoulo’s work can be found at s0metim3s
Music by Dilemmas
![#qldworkersparadise : Sunny times for the working class in Qld under Labor?](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/678579/mon1_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
#qldworkersparadise : Sunny times for the working class in Qld under Labor?
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
On this show Jon (@JonPiccini) and Dave (@withsobersenses) talk about what is going on in Queensland under the ALP. We look at the attempt to fund social reproduction and stimulate capital accumulation in the conditions of the end of the mining boom - all whilst trying to manufacture social peace.
Special attention is given to the Advance Queensland initiative.
![From Liberation to Human Rights - changes in the language of critique](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/678579/mon1_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
From Liberation to Human Rights - changes in the language of critique
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Today Jon (@JonPiccini) and Dave (@withsobersenses) will be talking about two recent articles by Jon that trace the changes in key concepts in the languages of activism and the Left (for lack of better terms) and the reasons for and the potential costs of these changes.
The articles discussed are: Human Rights and the Left and Damned Whores and God’s Police, liberation and the power of activist language: A guest post by Jon Piccini